When Cera was kind enough to answer a few questions exclusively for Gymnastics, No ceiling, I was beyond thrilled! Now, I want to share with you what I found out (in English and Romanian)
English version:
Me: Hello Cerasela, How was the year 2010? For many people it was a surprise to see you competing at such a high level. We you surprised?
Cera: Hi! Honestly, I didn’t expect to get to that level so fast after the long series of injuries and disappointments. I owe everything to the coaches that were patient with me.
Me: You went to the 2010 Euros with the girls but you didn’t compete. Was it a role of „psychologist” and supporter? Is it harder to look at a contest from this angle?
Cera: I can say that the role of team leader is much more difficult because you have more things you are responsible of. I liked that position as well, and if the coaches gave me this task it means that they trusted me.
Me: How was Rotterdam, how will you remember those Worlds?
Cera: At the Worlds we were truly a team. We also had new coaches that we became fond of really quickly and we were not nervous in the new circumstances.
Me: What was your favorite apparatus and why?
Cera: Since I was very young I loved the Uneven Bars. I did not have a particular reason. I just liked it.
Me: Why did you decide to retire?
Cera:There was a chain of health problems that I had over the past two years; they determined me to stop here.
Me: What are your plans, now that you are no longer a gymnast?
Cera: After 12 years of gymnastics, of course I would like to stay in the field. I got a few offers for coaching positions abroad but I am not sure I would be prepared for that yet.
Thank you very much, Cerasela, and good luck in your future career!
Romanian version:
Bea: Cum a fost pentru tine anul 2010? Pentru multa lume a fost surprinzator faptul ca ai reusit sa concurezi la un nivel foarte ridicat. Te asteptai sa ajungi acolo?
Cera: Buna, sa fiu sincera nu ma asteptam sa imi revin asa de repede dupa o serie lunga de accidentari si neimpliniri. Totul se datoreaza antrenorilor care au avut rabdare cu mine.
Bea: La Europenele din 2010 ai mers acolo dar nu ai concurat ... ai avut mai mult un rol de psiholog si suporter? A fost mai greu sa vezi concursul din postura asta?
Cera: Pot spune ca rolul de lider este mult mai greu decat pare. Ai mult mai multe lucruri de care esti raspunzator. Mi-a facut placere sa fiu pusa si in aceasta postura; daca antrenorii mi-au dat aceasta sarcina inseamna ca au avut incredere in mine.
Bea: Cum a fost la Rotterdam, ce amintiri ai legate de acele Campionate Mondiale?
Cera: La mondialele de anul trecut am fost intr-adevar o echipa. Am avut si alti antrenori de care ne-am atasat foarte repede si nu am avut emotii in noile imprejurari.
Bea: Care e aparatul tau preferat si de ce?
Cera: De mica mi-a placut paralelul. Un motiv intemeiat pentru aceasta placere de a concura in special la paralele nu am. Imi placea pur si simplu
Bea: De ce te-ai retras din gimnastica?
Cera: Din cauza problemelor de sanatate care pe parcursul ultimilor 2 ani s-au tinut lant de mine. Acestea m-au determinat sa spun stop
Bea: Ce planuri de viitor ai?
Cera: Dupa aproape 12 ani de gimnastica binenteles ca tot pe domeniul acesta o sa ma axez. Am primit niste oferte de a antrena in strainatate dar inca nu sunt sigura ca sunt pregatita sa trec la acest capitol.
Multumesc si mult succes in cariera ta viitoare!