
Cera and Gabi really mean business

(image from Prosport)
wooooow Cerasela Patrascu and Gabi Dragoi are training 4 apparatuses. This is what Octavian Bellu says in this press release (on Fangymnastics via Romanian Gymnastics Federation).
I would have never hoped to see them in such a good shape, training on all four events.

I've read before that for a gymnast to make the team, the essential condition was for her to be able to contribute on at least three events. The next step is to see Gabi and Cera competing at Euros in Berlin, if not at the upcoming Worlds. I know that their D scores are not as good as the other's for the moment... but they are both good at uneven bars and balance beam which are the best rewarded events, both of them being capable of routines with high difficulty (around 6.0) . The team that could use two gymnasts like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cei care "modereaza" fangymnastic sunt binecunoscuti in media gimnasticii pentru subiectivism.....Si eu mi-as dori ca aceste doua gimnaste sa poata reveni si(in sfarsit) sa poata confirma insa din pacate forma lor si valoarea exercitiilor lor este departe de a le face competitive in plan international.Sigur,este o realizare ca si-au depasit conditia,ca au inceput sa lucreze pe 4 aparate insa e o reusita de moral,sunt departe de a fi competitive.Au nevoie de mult timp si multa vointa.O fosta gimnasta a noastra,dubla campioana mondiala,imi spunea intr-o discutie privata,ca dupa parerea ei,Gabrielei ii lipseste vointa,determinarea,neexplicandu-si altfel cum poate trena in acesta forma,de atata amar de vreme.Este si parerea mea.Lupta ei cu kilogramele a durat mult prea mult pentru o sportiva de performanta,care se presupune ca e obisnuita cu efortul fizic.Desi recuperata de mai bine de 6 luni,abia de a reusit sa piarda 7 kilograme.Cerasela imi place,e o gimnasta frumoasa,intinsa, flexibila si in pofida unui repaos indelungat si chiar si a surplusului de greutate,si-a pastrat agilitatea si detenta.In ceea ce o priveste,intrevad mai multe sanse sa revina si sa confirme.