
Covergirl Classic - videos

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Aly Raisman VT UB BB FX
Chellsie Memmel VT UB BB FX
Sabrina Vega VT UB
Sophia Lee BB
Bridgette Caquatto VT UB BB
Casey Magee VT FX
Alicia Sacramone VT1 and VT2 BB FX
Jordyn Wieber UB BB
Mackenzie Caquatto UB BB
Shawn Johnson UB BB
Gabrielle Douglas UB
Anna Li UB

Kyla Ross VT UB FX
Katelyn Ohashi  UB BB

EDIT: Complete results for the Junior competition - HERE and for the Senior's competition - HERE.
Interviews from : Chellsie Memmel, Shawn Johnson, Sabrina Vega, Aly Raisman, Mckenzie Wofford, Alicia Sacramone, Katelyn Ohashi, Kyla Ross, Lexie Priessman, Nica Hults.

Do not miss the pictures from Gymnastics Examiner!

Also, check out the Universal sports website for highligts of Shawn Johnson Alicia Sacramone, Chellsie Memmel, Jordyn Wieber,  Aly Raisman routines and an analysis by Tim Daggett and Amanda Borden (It does not work for all the countries, I think).

Now, I am going to watch everythig again so I can share my thoughts. Until then, what was the nicest surprise for you? Any disappointments?

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